Thursday, January 15, 2015

Me & Sports

As the youngest of 4 boys, needless to say, our family was a "sports" family.

My older brothers were good at baseball, very, very good. My sister was also very, very good.

Hockey Night in Canada?  Bring it on in our home!

Alas, I was not gifted in the sports department.

Sure I loved hiking, skiing...those types of activities.

But watching sports was the worse torture for me.

I loved my siblings, but I had to be dragged out to watch their games.

Talent and ability in sports was NOT genetically handed down to me.

So I read.

It didn't make me better than everyone parents let me choose my own path and interests.

It's just Dad and the rest of the family loved their televised hockey games...while I could not handle how boring they were.

For the record....I love going to live hockey games....the atmosphere in the stands is amazing!!  I just can't handle watching it on's like watching paint dry.

And...watching my own kids play sports?  I love this!!  It's the most amazing thing to watch!

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