Monday, January 19, 2015

A lesson from History: Night Crossing

Having grown up during the cold war, I was fully aware of the risks that many, many people took in escaping their communist taskmasters.

This movie, Night Crossing, from the late 1970's....documents the story of two families who escaped from communist East Germany into West Germany, in a hot air balloon.

I've always loved the movie, for the glimpse it gives into life under communism, but also because it documents the bravery of the two families....wanting freedom for their kids...and willing to take risks to obtain it!

We have had all our kids watch they get a small glimpse into the life their Mom had, living under communism.

We watched it again last night, with another family.

It was a great reminder of where we have come from.

Ironically, when we first had seen the movie, little did we know that in a few years the whole system would collapse.

Looking into the story again, I read that the two families were harassed by "unknown" folks even in the west, because East German officials were so bugged that the families had outsmarted them!

Great movie and a great family time.

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