Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Year - New Decade - New Thoughts

A new year. Wow! New decade...double wow! This is the year I turn 50....only a number I know. But it does cause one to reflect...or at least it should. So I find myself asking these questions as I start the last half (wishful thinking) of my life. I am also mindful that both my grandfather and father died in their 50's.

1. What has my life accomplished? Have I done all I was supposed to do? Have I continously been in the will of God?

2. Am I today, doing what God wants me to? Is there something else or someplace else I need to be?

3. Have I been the father and husband that I need to be? Me, in all my imperfections, have learned so much over the years about relationships, Grace and the need to be there for those close to me. Have I done that? Has my life pointed the way to THE WAY? This is the hardest for me to ponder, because I am ever mindful of my screw-ups.

So, these are the thoughts that a person facing 50 ponders. Or maybe just I do....sometimes I wonder about that too....