Monday, November 09, 2020

The Andy Williams Christmas Show (1966)


In the 1960's and 70's, when we had cable, there was no hundreds of channels to choose from.  We had a basic set of channels, maybe 10 or less...and that was all.

It was limited.  Networks showcased certain programs during specific seasons.  One of those good memories was Christmas.  A highlite for our family, every year, was to watch many of those "Christmas specials".

And, of course, one of the most memorable was the "Andy Williams Christmas Special". Christmas tree was all set up, house that age I would be in my pajamas...and watch the show with my Mom & Dad.  It was a safe place to be. 

It's pretty cool that someone posted one of these on Youtube from 1966.  I was 6 years old at the time.  He sang many of the same Christmas hits every year...but no one cared.  It was entertaining...we all loved them.


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