Monday, July 01, 2019

Underground Seattle & "The Night Strangler"

Image result for night strangler darren mcgavin

I was13 years old when "The Night Strangler" hit the TV screen.

My Dad and I loved it.

The sequel to the 1972 hit "The Night Stalker", Strangler focused on Underground Seattle, an amazing place I never knew existed.

My dream had always been to travel to Seattle and take the tour.

A few years Marina and I were able to take it, and it certainly lived up to expectations.

While, not as elaborate as portrayed in the Strangler movie, it none-the-less is a great is a great tour and a wonderful setting to film a suspense movie!

Glad to have gone...and always love this set of two classic movies!

Image result for Underground seattle
The city under a city...underground Seattle

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