Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Raising kids in the 1980's

We were newly married.  Then we had kids two years into our marriage.

As with any parent, we were fearful of our own inadequacies.  Would we get this right?  How could we even think that we were capable of parenting these amazing beings?

At the same time, media reports were full of fear.  Fear of the unknown.  As parents, like so many others, we listened to some of that fear....mostly with good intentions.  We wanted to protect our kids from evil.  What parent doesn't?

It was interesting to come across this article.  I have not read ANY analysis of parenting in the 1980's...what it was like.

Many of the things we were fearful back then seem silly....but, as I said, we were all operating out of fear and that fear was fueled largely by the culture around us.

Fascinating that it was not just Church culture latching on to the fear....that was a small part of it...but major media as well....which we couldn't help but hear.

I tremble when I think of what is available today in the area of news and information.  We had no internet back then....just TV, radio and newspapers.

Fake News has always been a problem....for every generation I guess.

I take some small comfort in seeing that we were not the only ones....and that we were truly responding to what was being told to the culture at the time.

That's why, kids, we didn't like the SMURFS at the time...LOL.

See: "The Devil Made Them Do It: 8 Examples of Satanic Panic in the '80s"

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