Saturday, October 18, 2014

Finally some "Quiet"

I came across this book by Susan Cain last year.

The book, "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" is amazing.


Through the last couple years, I've been treated to some great leadership material.

From the Myers-Briggs test to Strengths Finder, there is more and more data and information that help you dissect what "you" are.

In one of our leadership sessions, a friend of mine protested that he thought the Strength Finder test was unhelpful...because it "labeled" you.

I disagreed.

Why?  I guess because I was always curious about how I was wired.  I thought I was in a minority in a lot of ways.

Susan Cain took it even further.  She identified why I think the way I do, why I have to process, and even, why I might cross the road to avoid a conversation with an acquaintance.

Now, truth be told, being an introvert does not mean you have a "Get out of Jail card" for being nasty, or downright mean to people.

To me it means there is a reason for the way I am can be a strength rather than a weakness...and that choice of what it is, is entirely up to me.

I find strength in that.

I was also great to see some recognition of the contribution that introverts make to society... and how society is structured to favor extroverts...from Church to Workplace.

So...does it "label" you?  Perhaps.  But such a label can be freeing if you let it.  It's a recognition that you aren't so "different"...there are others out there that think and process life just like you.

And rather than "one size fits all",  there is also a realization that both extrovert and introvert traits can be interchangeable.

And that's ok too.

I find this all incredibly freeing.

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