Sunday, October 02, 2011

Our Family book...finally after 30 years!

Some things just take a long time to complete.  When I started this project over 30 years ago, I had no idea I would be able to stand in the lonely cemetery that contained our ancestors, or be able to work in former Soviet archives to collect information on our family.

Not surprisingly, I was able to confirm many of the stories my grandmother told me of her life in the "old country".

I'll provide ordering information when it is available, as well as price. For those family members who think I'll be making a ton of money on this...all I can say is "Ha!". You will never know how much time it took to compile this history.

The book is schedule to be published in June of 2012. The final product may or may not look like this, but I'm leaning pretty close to keeping it like this. It will be over 100 pages, and will have a roll call of the descendents of the first Gerk to Russia, Sebastian Gerk....about 3-thousand people.  Also included will be lots of photographs and copies of old documents from Russian archives.

I truly hope folks, especially my family, will find this of interest.

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