Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where am I?

No, I have not forgotten to post. Life gets so busy sometimes.

It has been said that a man spends the first half of his life wrestling with sin, and the second half wrestling with God.

I can totally concur!

There has been lots happening, which is natural in a family our size. Birthdays, anniversary, camping, all these things take place regardless if I write about them here. All these events are special in their own way, regardless of my written thoughts.

But I wrestle. It's frustrating. I never leave well enough alone. But what is "well enough"? I'm wrestling with God in a number of areas right now. I won't bore you with the would probably find them very silly. But to me...they are life. So I deal with what life sends my way. I deal with all the events and issues of raising and maintaining a family. And then I deal with the things God is showing me...or, more precise, I wrestle. After that, I don't have much emotional energy to write here.

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