Tuesday, February 20, 2007


One of the nice things about a blog, or boring, depending on who you are, is the fact that bloggers will write about anything that comes to mind. In my case, I write about my thoughts, or at least SOME of them, and what is profound to me at this moment. You might think they are petty, or even silly, but to me, well, it is my life.

Marina and I are currently dealing with all the emotions and activities that a family goes through when dealing with a terminal illness. Marina's Dad is not expected to live through the week. It's been a battle with cancer (and oh, how I hate cancer!!) that has lasted a year. It brings up many questions, things I argue with God about, and has opened some old wounds that are there from the death of my own Dad through cancer.

I ask you to please pray for our family. The children especially, but also Marina because there will be much placed on her shoulders in the coming months, I know she can handle it (God has given her much strength) but still, we can't do anything without the peace and grace that God gives.

On a happier note, Opa made his peace with God through all of this. One of the most profound things in the universe continues to be the forgiveness that God offers ALL of us. His Grace, Peace and Love knows no bounds!

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