Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life is sometimes sad

Sad news from Russia. Our dear friends, Len and Olga, lost Olga's mother this past week. I know they had spent many hours speaking to her about God and faith and all those things that have changed their lives. I know she made a commitment to God, but her lifestyle was typically Russian, sad, melancholy with little hope. One wonders at times like this...we have all had loved ones, dear friends and others who have died and we ponder their ultimate fate.

I always think of that scripture:

"Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Genesis 18:25

It comforts us that no matter what, He will do what is right in His eyes. It's a matter of trust with us, isn't it? God gives an individual every opportunity to establish a relationship with Him. And I like to think that even in those twilight hours, when life slips away, He still works in a person's heart...attempting to lead them home. He never really gives up on us, does He?

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