Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Wired to remember....

I am wired to remember the past.

No, seriously.

It's both great and annoying.

It's why I never forget birthdays, or other important dates.  I actually relive some events in my mind...usually a year later.

It can take that long for me to process some of the events....so I relive them.

A year ago?

The last week of Mom's life.

So...I am reliving that week.  On this day I was doing this....doing that.  On this day we took Mom home from the hospital...the next day I brought her some soup Marina had made....said good-bye...told here again I loved her....and the next day she was gone.

January 9th.

A year already?

November 27th.  22 years since Dad was gone?

I guess...it shows us once again....you never know.

So..be kind....be loving....hug...tell those whom you love that you do care for them.

That last good-bye?

It could actually be a last good-bye.

I hope I learned that.

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