Monday, December 29, 2014

The Empty Chair

Well, Christmas 2014 has come and gone.

Some of my siblings got out of Dodge, because they knew how hard it would be.

The first Christmas after a loved one has gone is always the hardest.

I still remember so well Christmas 1992.  My Dad had died just a few weeks before.  We had Christmas at their place...Christmas Eve, as our family had done for so many years previous.

The empty chair....Dad's chair...was very painful to see.

I think we were all wrecks that night...but we struggled on.

Christmas 2014...Mom's empty chair was gone...her apartment closed up...a thousand knick-knacks given away.

But I think of that chair. ( I took a photo to remember it)

We gathered together this past Christmas Eve again.  At the back of all of our minds...our loved ones who are no longer here.

Mom & Dad....we love you....and we miss you.  Christmas is just not the same without you!

Thankfully....we had small children to keep us occupied....our minds focused.

And I am grateful.  Mom & Dad would have loved it too.

1 comment:

The Life of a Teenage Girl said...

Yes, empty chairs.... They speak louder than words, and they have strings that tug on our hearts...